Thursday, January 27, 2011

Days gone by.....

Here are some things that we did this winter;

Christmas is our favorite time of the year, we decorate every inch of the house and love when the evenings arrive and its time to light up the tree and the rest of the lights in our home. We are looking forward to the years to come when Dryden can help decorate and share in the excitement with us. With my three sisters living in three different cities in Saskatchewan and Alberta and I in a fourth it is hard for us to all get together for every occasion. We sure try but it doesn't always work out, Christmas is an exception of course. We all gather together for the weekend before the big day trying to squish in a whole lotta activities in the mere 48 hours we are together. We like to drink some delicious alcoholic beverages, go tubing behind the quad, eat too much, drink more bevies, play games (like Catch Phrase which always ends in a family feud... A real family feud haha) drink more beeeevverages, sing kereoke and try to find a warm bed to catch some zzzzz's in. Only to wake up and do it all over again.We then spend Christmas day with Shaun's family which is always a fun time. We play hockey, go ice fishing, have weiner roasts, play games, also have a few alcoholic beverages and too many appetizers. No matter which family we are with it is always sad to say good bye and the end of our few days together. Whats even more sad is that my camera magically erased all the pictures from both weekends with our families. So I will have to get some pictures from my sisters and Shaun's family so that we can have some memories of D's first Christmas. But here is a picture of Dryden in his Santa Suit that we sent out on our cards this year.

This year we have had a pretty mild winter (well I think so). Maybe it is because I haven't had to go to work and can stay home on the coldest days and therefore don't realise how cold it actually gets. I wake up, get outta my nice warm bed and if it "looks" too cold out I close the curtains and continue on with my day inside the house.  Anyways, since we have had some pretty nice days we took the opportunity to take Dryden out for a few walks (mostly my mom and I).  Its no secret that D likes being outside. Since the day he was born all you had to do to calm him down if he was restless or if he was tired  was to take him outside in a blanket and he would settle instantly. So we took advantage of this and Dryden went on his first road trip when he was a week old to his cousin  Payton's first birthday party (which was an outdoor party). From there on in, we weren't at home for long. We traveled to the farm in Manitoba (almost every weekend) , rented a cabin for a few days (Dryden was 3 1/2 weeks old) and visited my sister and her family out at the lake a few times.With that being said we thought we would try taking him for his first winter walk, it was a nice day but the cold Saskatchewan wind graced us with its presence. None the less Dryden loved it, his cheeks were a tad rosy when we arrived back home but you could see the joy in his eyes. We have then since taken him for a few sleigh rides with the super sweet wooden sleigh that Stacey (my sister) let us use. Here are a few pictures from those adventures.

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