Friday, June 24, 2011

I survived!

Today was my Week 1 Day 1 of C25K....... and I SURVIVED! you hear that people.... I SURVIVED! And what a great feeling it is. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to quit after my first 60 second jog. But I gave myself a pep talk and another pep talk and yip that's right..... Another pep talk. Everytime it was time to jog I would tell myself that I'm not the only one who's ribs are aching, legs are hurting and not to mention big bum/boobs are bouncing all over. Every fat person has to start somewhere. Every body part with extra baggage on it will bounce, every rib will ache and threaten to ruin your day when you wake up the next morning and can hardly move. I am not the only person that will have to experience this, it's the start for every person who embarks on a new journey of a healthy life. I told myself that I wanted to do it for Dryden, so that he won't be embarrassed of his mom.(Since we all know how kids are these days. Them little bullies will bug other kids if they aren't wearing the right clothes, have the right hair cut and yes has a mother who isn't a a skinny minnie) I tell myself that I want to do this for ME, so I can be comfortable in my clothes, so that I won't get depressed when I go shopping and everything looks nice but when I try it on it looks horrible. (that could also be because store mannequins wear a size XS and EVERYTHING looks nice in XS and not so much in a L or XL) And wouldn't you know it, my pep talks worked. The first 90 seconds seem to take forever and the next 20 minute flew by. So here's to hoping I keep with it and eventually start to enjoy running. I'm sure my pep talks won't be far from my mind when it's time to start my 30 minute program but if that's what it takes to get me through it that's fine with me!!

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense and I am rambling on. But this post will be my motivation on the days I don't feel like moving!

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