Thatttttssssssss RIGHT!! Dryden is a whole 9 months young. He entered this world just 274 short days ago. They have been the best 274 days. Dryden is STILL such a smiley boy, he hardly EVER cries, sleeps/eat/poops when he's supposed to and is learning so much each and every day.
Here are some stats on the lil bean;
Weight: 21.5 Pounds
Height: 29 Inches
Dryden is a busy boy, it's hard to leave him alone for even a minute as he gets into everything and moves around so much. He stands at his activity table/musical mirror and anywhere he can hold onto. He walks back and forth while holding on to the couch and tries to stand and push the chairs around in the kitchen. As I mentioned previously, he stands in his crib and blabbers away until we go in and get him. We have his crib on the second lowest level but will have to lower it to the bottom soon as D thinks he is a monkey and will probably climb right out of his crib.
Dryden still wants nothing to do with store bought baby food. Which is fine with me. That stuff tastes like..... ummmm.. well you know. NOT something I would eat so why would I put it in his mouth. That means I am still making homemade baby food which he can't seem to get enough of. He loves eating frozen fruit from his Nuby feeder (including bananas grapes, blackberries and the odd pickle) D also eats whatever we are eating for supper... he sure isn't picky when it comes to food!!
Dryden still has the same nap schedule. He naps at 11am & 4pm for 1.5-2 hours each. When its his nap time we lay him in his crib, give him a bottle and he falls asleep. No fuss!! He is also still sleeping through the nights. (Same routine as nap times) Bedtime is anywhere from 9-10pm and he wakes up at 8am (because he has two long naps a day he isn't ready for bed time till later in the evening). Which works for me.
D has never been real sick or had a fever, which is awesome. He has had a few minor colds and a couple days ago we noticed some discharge coming from his left eye. So today I took him to the doctor and he has a bacteria infection which is treatable with drops. So we are now on the road to recovery.
AND DRYDEN NOW HAS TWO TEETH!!! Two bottom teeth. I noticed a small rash on his bum two weeks ago and figured he must be teething and then BAM....... there was one tooth and two days later another one appeared. No fevers, no grumpiness... NOTHING! You would never tell he's teething other than he always has to have something in his mouth, whether its toys, his fingers, the wooden chair legs or anything else he can get in there.
Although I am ecstatic about the lil man growing and learning so many new things I am sad because he is no longer the baby who slept in my arms, the baby that loved cuddling, the baby that would lay on his blanket and the floor and not move. He is now the baby that laughs at me when I tell him not to play with the blu ray player/surround system, not to put his hands in the fireplace, not to stand up at the garbage can and dig in it, not to play with the computer and shut it off, not to find EVERY electrical cord (even though we hide them really good). But every day when I think about how BIG he is, how much he is changing, and how fast these first nine months have passed by I stop and think that he is not 9 months old.... He is 9 MONTHS YOUNG and still my baby and always will be.
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